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Named New Hampshire’s top lawyer for Personal Injury, Paul Chant has been involved in handling personal injury and workers compensation claims for over 30 years.  Paul has handled hundreds of cases, ranging from death and paralysis cases to whiplash claims. Paul has handled injury claims of virtually every kind (auto, motorcycle, bicycle, medical product and medical negligence, slip and fall, premises liability, dog bites) and every injury (spine injuries, brain injuries, leg, hip, pelvis, arm, fractures, amputation, facial injuries, etc). Paul has been primary counsel in cases with values in the millions, and in the thousands.

Phone: 603-356-5439

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Named New Hampshire’s top lawyer for Personal Injury, Paul Chant has been involved in handling personal injury and workers compensation claims for over 30 years.  Paul has handled hundreds of cases, ranging from death and paralysis cases to whiplash claims. Paul has handled injury claims of virtually every kind (auto, motorcycle, bicycle, medical product and medical negligence, slip and fall, premises liability, dog bites) and every injury (spine injuries, brain injuries, leg, hip, pelvis, arm, fractures, amputation, facial injuries, etc). Paul has been primary counsel in cases with values in the millions, and in the thousands.


Paul has also handled hundreds of workers compensation claims over the years.


Practice Areas


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New Hampshire Bar Association



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Slip and Fall

Wrist Injury: $300,000.00 Settlement

An elderly plaintiff suffered severe injuries to her wrist when she fell to the ground due to the negligence of the defendant, an institution. Plaintiff underwent two surgeries to her wrist and had permanent limitations of her arm. She had approximately $75,000 in medical bills. Case resolved for $300,000.


Lumbar Fracture: Settlement Confidential

A mechanic was injured when he tripped and fell at his employer’s place of business while moving an object out of a storage shed utilized by another business. Our client suffered lumbar fracture, requiring placement of rods in his back and, due in part to pre-existing diabetic condition, lost the sight in one eye when his diabetes was not controllable in aftermath of injuries. Total settlement: Confidential amount, with separate workers compensation settlement.


Ankle Fracture: $50,000.00 Settlement

Our client suffered bimalleolar (both sides) ankle fracture requiring surgery as a result of slip and fall accident on claimed ice and snow at the defendant’s residential premises, which included a single apartment our client was visiting.

Case resolved for $50,000.


Shoulder Surgeries: Settlement Confidential

Our client suffered severe shoulder fractures as a result of a slip and fall at a commercial apartment building. Client required two significant surgeries to shoulder. Case resolved for a confidential amount.


Traumatic Brain Injury: Settlement Confidential – Policy Limits

Our client suffered traumatic brain injury after falling at a property where she rented an apartment. Claims were brought against landlord/owner and snowplow company. Case settled for a confidential amount.


Ankle Fracture: $40,000.00 Settlement

Our client suffered an ankle fracture when she stepped into a hole on the defendant’s commercial property. Case resolved for $40,000.


Hip Fracture: Settlement Confidential

Our elderly client suffered a hip fracture in fall at a restaurant on improper stairs.  Hip surgeries required. Case settled for confidential amount.


Ankle Fracture: Settlement Confidential

Our client suffered an ankle fracture in a fall at a restaurant on improper stairs.  No surgery.  Case settled for a confidential amount.


Motor Vehicle Accident

Back Neck Soft Tissue, TMJ Injury: $58,000.00 Settlement

Our client suffered injuries to back and neck, including TMJ problems, following a collision in which the other driver took left turn directly into his path. Case resolved for $58,000.


Hematoma: $82,500.00 Settlement

Client suffered severe hematoma injury to leg following an auto accident. Defendant at fault. Case resolved for $82,500.


Rotator Cuff: $98,000.00 Settlement

Due to an auto accident, our client suffered rotator cuff and tendon tears that required surgery to repair the shoulder. Case resolved for $98,000.


Elbow and Thumb Fracture: $85,000 Settlement

Our client suffered elbow dislocation, thumb fracture (requiring surgery) and post-concussive syndrome as a result of winter auto accident where a vehicle crossed the road into client’s lane. Case resolved for $85,000.


Traumatic Injuries: Settlement Confidential

Our client suffered horrific abdominal injuries, spinal fractures, and brain injuries in two-car auto/truck accident. Case resolved for confidential amount.


Back Injury: Settlement Confidential

Our client suffered significant injuries to his back and neck when his 18-wheel truck was rear-ended by another 18-wheel truck. Case settled for confidential amount.


Broken Leg: Settlement Confidential – Policy Limits

Our client suffered a broken leg when her vehicle was struck at an intersection. Surgery included implantation of hardware. Case against wrongdoer settled for policy limits.


Leg and Head Injury: Settlement Confidential – Policy Limits

Our client suffered a fractured femur and closed head injury in an auto accident. Case settled for confidential amount (policy limits).


Death Claim: Settlement Confidential – Policy Limits

Our client died as a result of injuries sustained in auto accident, which occurred after other driver had seizure. Case settled for confidential amounts (policy limits of driver and uninsured motorist policies).


Fractured Neck: Settlement Confidential – Policy Limits

Our client suffered a fractured neck in an auto accident. Case settled for policy limits of other driver.


Back Surgery: $175,000.00 Settlement

Our client suffered a herniated disc in her neck as a result of very low impact auto accident. Client had previously had neck surgery at this level. Repeat surgery was necessary. Case settled for a total of $175,000, including policy limits of other driver and contribution of her insurer.


Back Injury: $12,500.00 Settlement

Our client suffered a low back injury in minor auto accident. Case settled for $12,500.


Neck Fracture: $37,500.00 Settlement

Our client suffered minor fracture of neck in vehicle roll over accident where driver fell asleep. No surgery or physical therapy. Neck treated with brace. Case settled for $37,500.


Broken Jaw: $85,000.00 Settlement

Our client suffered broken jaw in an auto accident when a teen driver lost control and hit a tree. Treatment included placement of a temporary plate in jaw and repeat of orthodontic care. Case settled for $85,000.


Knee Injury: $100,000.00 Settlement

Our client suffered a significant fractured knee injury when the car that he was working under and which was on ramps, was bumped by another car and fell on him. Case settled for $100,000 policy limits of driver, with additional confidential contribution from school where accident occurred.


Back Injury: Settlement Confidential

Our client suffered lower back injuries when her vehicle was struck by a tire that fell off of a tractor trailer at high speed, totaling her vehicle. Case settled for a confidential amount.


Death Claim: Settlement Confidential

Our client died when hit by a driver who fell asleep.  Confidential settlement for total policy limits of responsible party and all uninsured motorist policies.


Motorcycle Accident

Serious Leg Injuries: Confidential Settlement – Policy Limits

Our client, a motorcyclist, sustained serious leg injuries when an automobile struck him. Multiple surgeries were required for open leg wounds. Case settled for policy limits; person causing the accident also made personal contribution to settlement.


Loss of Arm: Confidential Settlement

Our client suffered serious nerve injuries to arm resulting in amputation when bicyclist pulled out in front.


Dog Attack

Settlement Confidential

Our client suffered significant injuries from a dog attack. Case settled for confidential amount.




NH Business Magazine – New Hampshire’s Top Personal Injury Lawyer

New Hampshire Bar Association Presidents Award

New Hampshire Association for Justice Presidents Award

Mount Washington Valley Economic Council Board Member of the Year

Served as Chair of the New Hampshire Bar Foundation

Served as Chair of the New Hampshire Association for Justice

Appointed to Governors Commission to Reduce Workers Compensation Costs








​Current President of the New Hampshire Bar Association

President Elect: Mt Washington Valley Economic Council

Board Member: Mt Washington Valley Regional Collaborative

Board Member: New Hampshire Association for Justice (Past President)

Past President: New Hampshire Bar Association

Member: Carroll County Bar Association

Board Member: Book Love Foundation

Board Member: The Tamworth Foundation

Governor’s Task Force on Workers’ Compensation Medical Costs

Member: SAU9 Superintendent Search Committee

Past Board Chair: The Barnstormers Theatre

Member: NH Charitable Foundation North Country Regional Advisory Board

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University of Vermont (BA 1982)

Boston University School of Law (J.D. 1986)

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